
Donate to the Garden

The Williamsburg Botanical Garden and Freedom Park Arboretum depends entirely on contributions from members and visitors. Please support our local treasure and help make it a source of education and inspiration for the entire community.  The fundraising landing page below allows you to donate online securely using PayPal or a credit card.

If you prefer to send a check, please click to download the Donation form and mail to WBG-FPA Donations, P.O. Box 1577, Williamsburg VA 23187-1577.  If you have questions, please use our Contact Form.

Click here for the 2024 Donations Form

The Williamsburg Botanical Garden and Freedom Park Arboretum is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and has earned the Gold Seal of Transparency from  All donations and memberships are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. You will receive a confirmation email from us and a receipt from PayPal.  Please note that the WBG is registered only in the Commonwealth of Virginia to solicit donations.  A copy of our financial statement is available upon request from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Thank you for your support!