Tagged: Environment

Nature Photography with a Focus on Birds

Local nature photographer Jim Easton will cover aspects of creating a good photograph, including light, location, equipment and several of the important design elements of composition. His presentation includes stunning images, all of which...

Suburban Residential Landscape Design

This illustrated lecture by acclaimed landscape architect Gordon Chappell will feature a discussion on the dominance of the suburbs and their unique landscaping styles. He will explain how the typical lawn and foundation plantings...

Invasion of the Plant Snatchers

A stealthy catastrophe is happening in regional spaces that are suffering from the spread of invasive plants. VCE Master Naturalist Tracy Melton will tell you about large and small-scale invasive species removal projects. You’ll...

Cool Season Vegetable Gardening

Cool Season Vegetable Gardening in the Williamsburg Area with VCE Master Gardener Bill Dichtel Williamsburg’s favorable climate and long growing season allows us to plant and harvest from spring through fall. Learn about cool...

Nature Photography with a Focus on the Garden

Local nature photographer Jim Easton will cover aspects of creating a good photograph, including light, location, equipment and several of the important design elements of composition. His presentation includes stunning images, many of which...

The Mixed Blessing of Garden Insects

The Mixed Blessing of Garden Insects

The Mixed Blessing of Garden Insects with Shawn T. Dash, Ph.D. There’s a wild world of insects that call your garden home. Learn about the creatures that rule your corner of the planet and...

Stormwater Basics for Homeowners

Stormwater Basics for Homeowners

Stormwater Basics for Homeowners to Limit Erosion and Mitigate Flooding Every homeowner needs to know how to deal with stormwater issues that we face in our area. Learn ways to control erosion, prevent and...

Bluebirds in Your Back Yard

Bluebirds in Your Back Yard

Learn about the lifecycle of bluebirds from nest building to fledging and how to attract these delightful birds to your yard. Our speaker is Connie Reitz, current President of the Historic Rivers Chapter of...