Tagged: Ecology

Name that Butterfly: Identifying by Markings and Behavior

The Williamsburg area is home to more than 90 species of butterflies, and in recent years, local experts have found species not previously recorded. Eleven families of butterflies come in a variety of sizes...

Invasion of the Plant Snatchers

A stealthy catastrophe is happening in regional spaces that are suffering from the spread of invasive plants. VCE Master Naturalist Tracy Melton will tell you about large and small-scale invasive species removal projects. You’ll...

Soil: It’s More Than Just Dirt

Soil is dynamic and not all soil is created equal! Learn how to foster healthy soil for successful gardening and ecosystem balance. Healthy garden soil is crucial for the success of plant growth and...

Bluebirds in Your Back Yard

Learn about the lifecycle of bluebirds from nest building to fledging and how to attract these delightful birds to your yard. Our speaker is Connie Reitz, current President of the Historic Rivers Chapter of...