Name that Butterfly: Identifying by Markings and Behavior
May 17 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

The Williamsburg area is home to more than 90 species of butterflies, and in recent years, local experts have found species not previously recorded. Eleven families of butterflies come in a variety of sizes and shapes. This presentation by Adrienne Frank will help you distinguish physical characteristics and behavior such as flight patterns, life cycle, and use of nectar and host plants.
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Adrienne Frank is a member of the Historic Rivers Chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalists, the John Clayton Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society, and the Friends of Dragon Run and holds board and working positions for each. Adrienne developed a butterfly brochure and compiled the Butterflies of the Greater Williamsburg Area: An Annotated List of Species. Each August, she coordinates the Williamsburg Area Butterfly Count, which is registered with the North American Butterfly Association (NABA) and includes approximately 50 participants.